The FCA Board includes sector civic leaders from the nonprofit, business, government, philanthropic and education sectors. Each sector has an essential role to play and a great deal to contribute to civic advance and civic health in Florida’s communities.
The FCA Board’s vision for Florida, is for every community to be a civically healthy community: i.e., inclusive, caring for the well-being of the whole community, mutually respectful, just, equitable, and civically engaged. In action, this vision and these values are driven by principles of collaboration, cross-sector engagement, problem-solving, and consensus-building that increases and improves civic health to positively meet community challenges. Realizing the FCA vision will require dramatically increasing the level of civic activities that improve wellbeing in Florida’s communities, including key areas such as volunteering, helping neighbors, philanthropy and nonprofit capacity, voting, and citizens engaging with government.
A civically healthy community works together across sectors to solve community problems and implements civic actions that advance prosperity for all in the community. We seek to inspire communities and individuals to champion civic health and build communities where everyone feels at home.