This study was commissioned by Volunteer Florida to develop, implement, and analyze a scientific quantitative survey of a random sample of Florida residents about the nature of volunteering in Florida, with a comparison to a random sample of the remainder of the U.S. Valuable assistance and information used in the design, execution, and analysis contained in this report was provided by Jovita Woodrich, MSW, Volunteer Services Director at Volunteer Florida.
Researchers at the University of Florida worked with Volunteer Florida to develop, implement, and analyze a scientific quantitative survey of a random sample of Florida residents about the nature of volunteering in Florida, with a comparison to a random sample of the remainder of the U.S. The survey collected information about Florida residents’ volunteering behaviors and beliefs, including
why people do or do not volunteer, types of activities people participate in – either informally, by helping neighbors or their community, or formally with community or national organizations, as well as what might limit volunteering.
Download PDF: Volunteer-Florida-The-Nature-of-Volunteerism-in-Florida